Un nenea care are blog ne arata pana unde se poate ajunge pentru bani.
Pentru ca viata este grea in Romania
"But, as Vasile has said, and as I could see, he hasn't had an easy life. He's working a construction job 6 days a week for the equivalent of 3.61 USD per hour"
nenea isi poate permite sa cumpere cativa barbati pentru a le face cateva filme pentru adulti. Ca doar Romania este frumoasa si ieftina si avem parte de multe petreceri
"When I spent a month in Cluj-Napoca, Romania,, I had the great pleasure of attending two Romanian parties"
Cel care realizeaza filmele se pare ca are un cv destul de bun si stie sa faca bani
"It took me a long time to get through university. I dabbled in journalism, English and believe it or not, psychology, before I decided on film. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Southern Illinois University in 1988 from the School of Cinema & Photography. SIU was the cheapest film school in the country at the time. I made several short 8mm films and my senior film was shot in 16mm. It was called Pictures of Maleness and the last time I saw it I thought it still looked pretty. I tried to produce an experimental feature about the Chicago indie-music scene but couldn't find the money to begin shooting."
Poate ca nevoie de bani te poate impinde la extrem ......
"After going back to Romania to take care of his mother over Easter, Ovi's coming back to Prague on Sunday and he's bringing another Ovi with him"
Se publica si fotografii din Romania care prezinta o tara cenusie fara prea mult viitor si simple fotografii cu baieti de pe strada si fara sa stii esti prezentat pe un site pentru adulti.
Unul dintre filme aici si
Army Boy Ovi Jacks Off in the Barracks
Jack-Off Party
Vasile Flexes and Jacks Off
Vasile Strip Show
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